Author: Jan van der Crabben

Jerusalem Sword linked to Fall of Herod’s Temple

A sword recently found in an ancient drainage channel under Jerusalem (we reported two days ago) has been linked to the fall of Herod’s Temple (also known as the Second Jewish Temple) in 70 AD. The Lebanon Daily Star quotes the Israel Antiquities Authority as saying that the drainage channel “served as a hiding refuge for the residents of Jerusalem from the Romans during the destruction of the Second Temple.” A rare gold bell was also found in the channel. Read more at the Lebanon Daily Star and the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Jerusalem excavation finds ancient rebel cache

The excavation of an ancient drainage tunnel beneath Jerusalem has yielded a sword, oil lamps, pots and coins abandoned during a war here 2,000 years ago, archaeologists said Monday, suggesting the finds were debris from a pivotal episode in the city’s history when rebels hid from Roman soldiers crushing a Jewish revolt. Read the full story on Yahoo News.

3000 year-old lion statue discovered in Turkey

Archaeologists leading the University of Toronto’s Tayinat Archeological Project in southeastern Turkey have unearthed the remains of a monumental gate complex adorned with stone sculptures, including a magnificently carved lion. The gate complex provided access to the citadel of Kunulua, capital of the Neo-Hittite Kingdom of Patina (ca. 950-725 BCE) and is reminiscent of the citadel gate excavated by British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley in 1911 at the royal Hittite city of Carchemish. Read the full story on the University of Toronto website.

Bronze Age Elderly might have been Leaders

A recent study of two Bronze Age cemeteries in Austria has shown that over a 600-year time period the elderly had become leaders of society. While in the earlier period, old men were not buried any differently from young men, over time the older men were given status symbols into their graves, such as bronze axes, which is indicative of a leading role in society. Read the whole story at Live Science.

Project: Online Map of Ancient Britain

The School of Archaeology of Oxford University has just announced a new five-year project looking at the history of the English landscape from the middle Bronze Age to the Norman period. The results will be publicly available on a website to be called ‘A Portal to the Past’. The Portal to the Past website is expected to go live in 2014. Read the full Portal to the Past press release on the Oxford University website.