Timeless Travels magazine is a cutting-edge publication combining narratives of personal travel with in-depth history. It provides a reader with travelogues, historical narratives, reviews of museum exhibits and tours, and the latest news on archaeological excavations and their significance. The magazine is a must-read for anyone interested in history, travel, or the world at-large and is available in stunning print editions or online in easy-to-use formats.
The magazine was founded in 2013 by Dr. Fiona Richards who holds a BA (hons) in archaeology and law from Sydney University and later received her PhD in archaeology from Edinburgh University. According to the Timeless Travels website, she then “spent over 20 years travelling and working throughout the Middle East and was PublishingDirector of A&D Media Ltd for eight years.” Her impressive educational and professional background prepared Dr. Richards well for launching a captivating publication which provides a reader with a complete travel experience from the comfort of their own living room chair but also inspires them to get up, go out, and see the world.

Autumn 2017 Issue Table of Contents
Published four times a year, each issue includes an interview, a profile of a famous traveler, archaeological news, a book review section, a museum focus, a section on personal travel experience, and a number of full-length pieces describing a writer’s impressions at a site coupled with its history and significance.
In the Fall 2017 issue, for example, readers will find articles on Scotland’s Castle Corridor, Portugal’s historic vineyards, the grand Maya site of Chacchoben in Mexico, a profile of Melbourne, Australia and another on Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Each of these articles includes a helpful page at the end discussing the practical aspects of travel to these destinations including the weather, how to get around, trivia, airports, currency, and other necessary information.

Opening spread of the Castle Corridor article.
One of the featured writers, David C. Weinczok, is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and his piece on the Castle Corridor is featured on the latest issue’s cover. His writing is instantly engaging and his knowledge of history impeccable. If one knows the history of the castles of the Western Isles of Scotland already, one recognizes the authority of this writer’s experience and enjoys the flawless presentation and, if one does not, it could only be a pleasure to first encounter the history through this piece. Weinczok begins the article, writing:
For most of human history, seas, lakes and rivers were highways rather than barriers. When you understand that, everything you think you know about Scotland’s Western Isles changes. A region now famous precisely for its remoteness, not so long ago it was a bustling crossroads between the British Isles, Scandinavia, Northern Europe and far more distant shores. This is the realm of the sea kings and the Castle Corridor stands guard.
Weinczok continues from this point to lead a reader on a tour of Scottish castles ranging from the famous Duart Castle on the Isle of Mull, through a series of others some may have never heard of, to conclude with the island castle of Kisimul. The entire tour is a fascinating and insightful journey accompanied by stunning, full-color photographs. As with all the writers featured in Timeless Travels, Weinczok’s ability to place a reader at the site inspires interest and, most definitely, the desire to go and see these places for one’s self.

Eindhoven, City of Dutch Design
Archaeologist Matilda Hickson accomplishes the same in her piece on Eindhoven in which she deftly covers the history of the city from the 13th century AD to the present while simultaneously providing a reader with information on the best cafes, malls, and restaurants to watch for. As with the other writers in the issue – and earlier issues going back to 2014 – Hickson’s ability to weave history with personal observation creates a seamless reading experience which elevates as it informs.
Aside from the articles on the above sites, the Fall 2017 issue includes an interview with Derry Moore, the famous celebrity photographer, while the Intrepid Traveller section features Percy Harrison Fawcett, the British explorer, archaeologist, and cartographer who mysteriously vanished in South America in 1925 and is the subject of the adventure film The Lost City of Z. The Art Roundup section includes news on upcoming exhibitions including French Impressionists, Rodin’s collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bruegel’s drawings on display in Vienna, and Magritte’s exhibition in Brussels among others.
This is only the latest issue of the magazine. Going back through Timeless Travels from 2014 to the present, a reader will find even more insightful articles and interviews including one with Dr. Zahi Hawass, a profile of the great explorer Freya Stark, and explorations of cities and sites ranging from Singapore to Chichen Itza.
International in scope, the articles are crafted by professional writers from all over the world who share a passion for history and travel and inspire the same in a reader. Timeless Travels was nominated for an award for Best Arts Feature from the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions, winning a place as runner-up, and will no doubt receive more honors as its circulation grows. Whether one knows a foreign country well or has only just discovered it in the pages of the latest issue, every Timeless Travels lives up to its name in providing readers with an inspiring and memorable world tour.
Website: www.timeless-travels.co.uk
Price: £5.95 per printed issue