
Ancient History News

We’ve just added a news system to Ancient History Encyclopedia. This was the logical next step, as the goal of the site is to promote the knowledge of ancient history by making it freely accessible in a useful format. We are going to post news about everything relating to ancient history, including but not limited to archaeological discoveries, talks & conferences, interviews, exhibitions, book reviews, and special events.

We are looking for news editors to help in this endeavour! Ancient History Encyclopedia is a non-profit website that relies on the ancient history community to work. If you are interested in editing ancient history news, send an email to news (at) ancientopedia.com. Also, if you are working for an ancient history department or museum, and you are organizing an event or exhibition, let us know on the same email address.

Filed under: Uncategorized


CEO & Founder of Ancient History Encyclopedia. When he's not working on AHE, he loves to spend time with his family going hiking, visiting historic places, or doing all-day BBQs in the garden with good real ale or whiskey.