
New Domain Name

Ancient History Encyclopedia is looking for a new domain name! We have found that many people find it hard to remember or even pronounce “ancientopedia.com”, so for now we have moved to “www.ancient.eu.com”. Nonetheless we are still looking for suggestions!

If you have a suggestion for a new domain name, please post it in the comments section of this news post! We’re looking for a name that is easy to remember, is clearly about ancient history, and can be pronounced in many languages… and above all we need one that is still available (but don’t worry about that bit, we can figure that out).

Thank you all for your suggestions!

Filed under: Uncategorized


CEO & Founder of Ancient History Encyclopedia. When he's not working on AHE, he loves to spend time with his family going hiking, visiting historic places, or doing all-day BBQs in the garden with good real ale or whiskey.